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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 28th June 2024

What can we do at the beach…

Following on from our Beach visit we began to look at activities that can be carried out at the beach. We looked at the book ‘Look what I found at the Beach’. It helped us to see all the creatures and things that could be found at the seaside. We compared what we found to what was in the book. In our writing this week the children wrote about what they did at the beach. It is great to see so many children writing sentences independently using their phonic knowledge. If you would like to support your child with their reading development then please check out our RWI blog:


In our maths learning we have been practising our counting to 20 and back from different starting points. We recapped on odd and even numbers by making and sorting the number blocks. The children used the rekenreks to consolidate their knowledge of doubles. They have amazed me with their understanding of doubles. On Friday, we enjoyed singing along to counting rhymes and playing ten frame flash.

In our topic work, we have been learning about rockpools and how these are formed. We watched information videos on what could be found in these. We considered what it would be like to live under the sea and what we might do if we were able to.

In our RE sessions, we have been learning about special places and this week the children found out about churches and why these are special to some people.

During our child-initiated learning, the children have been doing lots of writing and drawing. We have enjoyed making flower crowns, playing games and role-playing what happens in the ice cream shop. In our English activities, the children have enjoyed making beach number posters, creating seaweed paper chains and as a reward for writing sentences the children got to have the water guns!!

Friday, the classroom was very bright and colourful! The children looked amazing dressed for their colour run! They impressed me with their running skills and determination to run 10 laps. They had fun running through the colour parachute and the bubbles!! Some children loved it so much they did more than 10 laps!!

Next week we look forward to boat making – If you have any junk modelling such as yogurt pots or margarine tubs then Kangaroo Class would appreciate them.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Kangaroos Term 6 Week 4

Upcoming Events

17th July - Transition Day - Children visit their new classes

19th July - Reports to parents

19th July - Non-uniform day - £1 donation

23rd July - Parent Celebration Event 2.30

24th July - End of term 6