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Friday 28th June

The children in Bumblebees and Honeybees looked fabulous this morning in all their brightly coloured clothes and they had a great time completing their colour run.  Thank you to everyone that supported this event.  All the money raised goes into funding the amazing school trips we offer.

Following on from our history unit, we have been learning about how cars are made.  We looked very carefully at the different parts of a car and labelled a diagram about them.  We then explored how wheels move and how the axle could be attached to a chassis.  We had great fun exploring different techniques and showed good resilience when we were have difficulty making the wheels move.  Next week we will be designing and beginning to make our own model cars.

In computing this week, we have been learning how to change the background in Scratch Jnr and have used this to help us create our own short animations.  We also learnt how to make our sprite speak and how you can use different starting buttons to begin the animations.

We hope you have a lovely weekend!


Next week:

Tuesday 2nd July - Swimming 

Wednesday 3rd July - Year 2 transition 9:00-1:05