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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 27th September 2024

Discovering our five senses: A fun adventure!

This week the children have had lots of fun learning about their five senses. Each day the children were excited to investigate each of the senses. For the sense of sight, the children enjoyed listening to the story, ‘Brown Bear, Brown Bear what do you see?’ Followed by a game of ‘Kim’s Game’ The children were very observant and could work out what the missing item was. We became detectives to work out the different smells in the smelly pots. Some were pleasant smells and some were not!! The children tried their best to identify the smell of shower gel, toothpaste, washing powder, curry and garlic. We made some fabulous texture hands after learning about the sense of touch and the children did a marvellous job of describing how the materials felt as they were added to the picture.  For our sense of taste the children took part in a taste challenge. They had to say what they thought the food was and whether it was sweet, sour, salty, bitter or umami. There were some very interesting faces pulled as the children tasted their food. When learning about the sense of hearing the children were excited to guess the sounds they could hear and play a game where they matched the sound to the animal that made it. You could play the game at home by following this link:


This week in PE was a blast as we transformed into mythical creatures! The children loved pretending to be unicorns, dragons and fairies at different points in the lesson. As part of their skill development the children had to be fairies and complete different challenges with a beanbag. It required lots of balance and coordination.

In our Maths Learning this week the children have been sorting and thinking about the rules for how items have been sorted. On Tuesday the children had to guess how the monsters had been sorted. It was quite tricky at first but soon the children started to notice the similarities and differences between the monsters and it became easier. At the end of the week we started to compare different amounts and use the language of more or fewer. The children had feely bags of objects, first they had to sort them then count how many items were in each set. Following on from the sorting the children compared who had the most and who had the fewest. On Friday we played a game using our subitising skills to spot the dot patterns. Before the children turned over the card we decided whether the most or fewest spots would win. The children then turned over the cards to reveal who the winner would be.

English this week consisted of Squiggle whilst you wiggle and the focus was on circles! The children loved dancing along to Olly Murs making big circle movements with their arms and then twirling round. We did get a little dizzy with all the spinning. On Thursday, the children visited the library to share stories with each other. Our poem this week was called confused. The children enjoyed performing this and are beginning to remember the poem with little support. This week we used blending boards in our Read Write Inc sessions and the children did a fantastic job to learn the routines. Please visit our RWI blog if you would like to watch the videos of the sounds we learnt this week.


If you would like to do Pen disco at home then why not try this video:

Friday ended with the discothon which showcased the children’s dance moves. The children did a tremendous job dancing away throughout the day. Their colourful outfits added to the experience and they definitely put their all into the event. It was a great way to end the week!

Upcoming Events

15th Oct – Parents Evening – Sign up with the class teacher from the 1.10.24

15th Oct – Little City in school for the children

16th Oct – Parents Evening – Sign up with the class teacher from the 1.10.24

17th Oct – Harvest drawing competition

23rd Oct – non-uniform day

23rd Oct – Parent Celebration Event at 2.30 in the classroom

23rd Oct – End of Term 1