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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 26th January 2024

Five little men in a flying saucer flew around the world one day...

This week the children have enjoyed singing along to the popular rhyme five little men in a flying saucer. Some children decided to create their very own flying saucer and spacemen/aliens to sing along with. We have used this rhyme in our maths lessons and the children used a die frame as the space ship with each circle a seat for the little men. We considered what might happen if another little man joined the crew. The children extended the spaceship to two die pattern sheets. We then explored the different ways that six and seven could be made. The children are growing in confidence to say which numbers add together to make 6 and 7. 

In our English lessons, we looked at the story 'On the Moon'. The children enjoyed thinking about what it might be like to visit. Some children thought it would be too dusty so they wouldn't visit whilst others thought it would be nice and peaceful so they would travel there. As part of the children's writing they created a postcard as if they had visited the moon. We explored the spelling of 'moon' discussing how two letters make one sound. The children created some fabulous postcards and it is great to see them trying hard to spell words using 'Fred Fingers'. 

In our topic we had lots of fun exploring London using Google Earth. We went on a virtual tour and discovered sky scrapers, the London Eye, the underground and Buckingham Palace. The children enjoyed watching a plane land at Heathrow Airport and as it was approaching we looked for all the landmarks we had been learning about. Finally, we compared London with Westbury and the children could think of similarities and differences.  In PE the children have challenged themselves this week on the apparatus. The children had to create different shapes and balances as they used the equipment. I was very impressed with their determination to get to the top of the climbing frame. For Design Technology this week the children made aliens. The children added moving parts to their alien using split pins and levers. 

Thank you for supporting the reception cake sale. We appreciated the donations. Next week the children can look forward to a space dome visit.

Have a lovely weekend

Kangaroos Term 3 Week 3

Upcoming Events

30th Jan - Space Dome Visit for Reception Children

5th Feb - Parent Event 14.30-15.15

8th Feb - Valentines Poetry Entries due in

9th Feb - End of Term

Don't forget to check out our RWI blog to support your child's reading development.
