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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 26th April 2024

What an amazing week we have had in Kangaroo Class.

We started the week with an unexpected visit from the three pigs and the big bad wolf! We discovered footprints, straw, bricks and sticks. The children quickly related these clues to the story of ‘The Three Little Pigs’. We had a message from the pig who built a house of straw asking us to let the two other pigs know the wolf was on his way. We described the wolf’s appearance in the message and the children thought of some great describing words. At the end of the week we adapted the story and told it about three little mice and the big bad cat. The children loved acting out the alternative version.

On Wednesday we had a wonderful visit to ‘The Wild Place’. The children got the opportunity to see lots of animals and especially enjoyed going on a bear hunt. The children enjoyed guessing which skull belonged to which animal and which footprint matched the animals they had seen in bear woods. We were fortunate to see the cheetahs and whilst we had our lunch so did the Geladas. In the afternoon we carried on our tour to find the river hog, the red panda and the meerkats. The children were fantastic at walking around the site and we had lots of sleepy children on the coach on the way back.

Kangaroos - Wild Place Visit

In our maths this week the children have been revisiting their knowledge of doubles, collections of numbers and using tens frames. On Monday we recapped on subitising numbers to six and focussed on the different ways we could represent six using the double sided counters. On Friday the children started to look at how to use the balance scales. They had lots of fun finding items from around the room to put in the scales. The children used language such as heavy, light, heavier and lighter when comparing the objects.

In our topic sessions, we have continued to learn about farm animals. We discussed what animals need such as food, water and shelter. We considered where food comes from and talked about the process of making bread after reading ‘The Little Red Hen’. At the end of the week we compared different farm animals and talked about their similarities and differences. In our craft area, the children have started to make farm animals using paper plates.

Don’t forget to check out our Oxford Owl and the RWI blog to support your child’s reading development.


Have a super weekend and next week perhaps we’ll invite a tiger to come to tea.

Kangaroos Term 5 Week 2

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16th May -Class photo

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24th May  - End of term 5