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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 24th May 2024

Hooray Hooray...it's sports day!! 

The children were so excited for sports day this week. We had a practice on Monday afternoon and the children loved competing in all the different sports activities. We took lots of pictures for you to see the children's skills. On Friday, the children really impressed us with their skills and modelled our school's values of excellence, teamwork, respect and friendship. I gave lots of additional points for these values and we look forward to seeing which team won across the whole school. 

Kangaroos Sports Day 2024

 On Monday, the children found some fruit with holes in it...we were very puzzled! The children predicted it might have been a worm, snake or caterpillar. It was the very hungry caterpillar who had eaten the apples! Luckily we still had enough for snack!! The children enjoyed listening to the story and learning the days of the week. As part of our learning, the children enjoyed trying different fruits from the story. We thought of lots of adjectives to describe the fruit and the children tried hard to use these in their writing. 

In our Maths lessons, we looked at 3D shapes and the properties of these. The children enjoyed trying to find examples of 3D shapes in our environment, playing hide and seek with different shapes and playing 'What shape am I?' At the end of the week we moved on to making patterns. We listened to the story, 'Pattern Bugs' and the children could say what word would come next in the story.  We used our loose parts to create patterns and also looked at different movement patterns. 

We were very excited to discover the caterpillars had completed their transformation to butterflies at the start of the week. We then set them free in the sensory garden, however one of them was not ready to leave so we kept it for another couple of days. The children have loved seeing the changes that happen in the life cycle of a caterpillar. 

We collected in the reading books this week but remember you can access them via Oxford owl or you could practice some sounds using the RWI blog:


Well as you can see it has been a very busy week with lots of fun activities. We hope you have a lovely half term. 

Kangaroos Term 5 Week 6

 Upcoming Events

Return to school 3rd June - Start of Term 6

7th June - Art Exhibition Event 14.00

20th June - Beach Trip

21st June - YR R cake sale

21st June - Non school uniform day - £1 donation

28th June - Colour run (non-uniform) wear bright colours

17th July - Transition Day - Children visit their new classes

19th July - Reports to parents

19th July - Non-uniform day - £1 donation

23rd July - Parent Celebration Event 2.30

24th July - End of term 6