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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 24th May

As we come to the end of another term, we just want to take the opportunity to say how proud we are of all the children.  They have all worked so hard again this term - well done Bumblebees!

We had a great time taking part in our sports day today.  The children loved the different activities and it was great hearing them cheer their team on and supporting one another.  Thank you for coming along to support your child.  We hope you enjoyed it as much as they did.

We finished our DT topic this week by adding the final touches to our puppets and then evaluating what went well and what we would do differently next time if we made them again.  On Thursday we held puppet shows and it was great listening to the children as they performed in front of a select audience.

In maths, we have been working hard to tell the time and have learnt our o'clock and half past times and some of the children have gone on to read time to five minute intervals. More practise with this at home would be great as it is a tricky concept to grasp.

We hope you have a wonderful half term break and look forward to seeing you in June.

Important reminders…

  • Term 6 - swimming will take place every Tuesday afternoon
  • Kids Day Out trip to Longleat is 12th June
  • School trip  to Haynes Motor Museum is 13th June