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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 22nd September 2023

This week Kangaroo class have become phonic superstars! I am so impressed with their attitude to learning new sounds and they've worked so hard to understand our signals that we use in our Read Write Inc sessions. This week the children were introduced to the sounds m,a,s,d,t. We have been doing lots of work on 'Fred Talk' our frog teddy only speaks in sounds. The children copy Fred and then say the word after repeating the sounds. 

We were fortunate to have a visit from the 'min pins' these mystical people only come out when no-one is around to leave a message for the class. This week the children discovered a message after lunch and we decided to write back to the 'min pins' we hope that we get another message soon. We continued our squiggle while you wiggle sessions this week, moving on to wavy, wigggly lines which are a bit trickier than the straight lines we did last week. 

In our topic sessions, we have discussed our family members and what makes our families special. We looked at different types of families and discussed how each family is unique and special to us. The children created some lovely family pictures which you can see in the photos below. We continued to look at feelings and some of the children have enjoyed making feeling faces using the different emotion stones.  

In our maths sessions, we have looked at matching, sets and sorting. The children were encouraged to think of different ways in which a group of buttons could be sorted after reading the lovely story, 'The Button Box'. 

On Friday, we ended the week with helicopter stories and this week we had some children tell their very own story which the class helped to perform. Here is one of the stories performed:

"The unicorn turns into a rainbow unicorn. Then a fairy comes by and then the fairy got on the unicorn. They are going to Longleat. They are going on the roundabout. They hop off it and go to a unicorn fair. They have lots of sweeties. A bad guy came. The bad guy blowed the unicorn fair down. They went back home and locked the door. Upstairs under the covers and never went to Longleat or the unicorn fair ever again! The End!" Scribed as told.

Kangaroo Autumn 1 Week 3

Next week, Mrs Watts will cover the class on Wednesday instead of Tuesday. 

Upcoming Events:

25th Sept - After School Clubs Begin

29th Sept - Disco-a-thon - Children wear disco clothes

3rd/4th Oct - Parent Consultations

9th Oct - Flu Immunisations

11th Oct - Harvest Service - All Saints Church - Reception parents are invited

12th Oct - Harvest Drawing Competition entries due in.

17th Oct - Parent Celebration 2.30 

18th Oct - Non Uniform day - £1.00 contribution