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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 21st June

This week we have been busy writing stories, developing our knowledge and understanding of money and completing our history unit about cars.

In English, we have been writing our own stories based on the story 'Mrs Armitage on wheels'.  This is a funny book about a lady who adds things to her bike to make it better only to crash at the end of the story.  We changed the characters and the vehicle and added our own weird and wonderful things to make our vehicles better.

In our mathematics sessions, we have been learning about money.  We have looked at the values of different coins and notes, counted the total values of different purses, used money to pay for items in a shop and some of us even did some problem solving.  Our teachers were very proud of us and how hard we have worked on this.

We have now completed our history unit of work and we wowed our teachers with how much we could remember about the unit!  We learnt about Henry Ford and his invention of the assembly line and then we had a go at our own assembly line to see if we really could make cars faster than someone working on their own.  We discovered that the assembly line was a much quicker method of car manufacture and that it is still used today.   We then discussed how cars have changed over time, what the impact is of not having cars in the Victorian times and of having cars in our lives today and who we felt was the most important person in the development of cars - Henry Ford or Karl Benz.  Some of us thought that without Karl Benz there would be no cars.  Others felt that Henry Ford was more important because he helped to make cars more affordable for all with his invention of the assembly line.   We all agreed that both men were important for different reasons.


Important reminders:

Monday 24th June - Mrs Watts is not in class

Tuesday 25th June - Swimming

Thursday 27th June - Year 2 transition to the Junior School Resource Base

Friday 28th June - Colour run