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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 21st June 2024

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside! 

We started the week by reading, 'Commotion in the Ocean' the children could confidently talk about the sea creatures in the story. We used the information from the book and internet to write fact files about what lives in the sea. Towards the end of the week, we enjoyed playing 'What sea creature am I?' The children listened carefully to the clues and then guessed which sea creature they thought it was. They were brilliant at this game and scored 10 out of 10. 

In our maths learning, we have been revisiting our knowledge of number bonds to at least 5. The children have enjoyed finding as many ways to represent number facts such as 3 and 2 make five using the dice frames. The children were challenged to show 3 and 2 using the coloured counters in as many ways as possible. We loved singing the song, 'Five Little Speckled Frogs' We talked about how many frogs were on the log and how many were in the pool. We then represented this using the coloured counters. 

In our topic lessons, we have been learning about where beaches might be found on a map. We used google earth to visit beaches and talked about the features of these. The children were able to say which part of a map was land and which part was the sea. The children enjoyed their very own visit to the beach. They had great fun building sand castles, digging the biggest holes, collecting rocks and shells as well as jumping waves in the water. At the end of the trip the children were glad to have an ice lolly. Thank you to all the adults that helped make our beach trip possible - We really appreciated your help. 

Kangaroos Beach Trip

 In our poetry basket sessions the children have been learning the poem 'A grain of Sand' and for our reading we have been trying to get speedy with some of the green cards. If you would like to help your child's reading development then please check out the RWI blog:


We had a really great week and I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Kangaroos Term 6 Week 3

 Upcoming Events

28th June - Colour run (non-uniform) wear bright colours

17th July - Transition Day - Children visit their new classes

19th July - Reports to parents

19th July - Non-uniform day - £1 donation

23rd July - Parent Celebration Event 2.30

24th July - End of term 6