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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Wallabies term 6 week 3


Friday 21st June

We delved deep into the ocean this week and in our English lessons and we read the text ‘commotion in the ocean’. The children loved looking at all the different sea animals and wrote fact files about one of their choice. They have enjoyed completing ocean themed activities within the English lessons including building submarine’s in the construction area, drawing and labelling sea animals in a drawing app on the ipads, creating their own ocean stories with ocean themed small world parts, creating and decorating starfishes and making seaweed paperchains.

This week’s focus in maths has been on assessing and deepening the children’s understanding of number facts. This has included knowing that whole numbers can be split into parts and knowing that parts can be combined to make whole amounts. Knowing the numbers within 3, 4 and 5 and 10 and knowing double facts up to 5 and 5 make 10. They have also continued their work on patterns.

In topic they continued thinking about beaches and in particular what the role of a lifeguard is and why it is important to have one. We used google earth to look at coastlines and thought about where beaches might be. This led PERFECTLY onto our amazing trip to Boscombe Beach. What fun we had. The children were absolutely incredible during the whole trip and made us very proud. They enjoyed the journey down with their friends, the anticipation of seeing the sea kept the excitement going. When we arrived children dumped their bags under the pier and got straight to work on their sandcastles. It was so lovely to see the children relax and spend time with their friends. It wasn’t long before it was lunch time and then the best part…splashing in the sea!!  Children had the best time dipping their toes in and jumping the waves. Some were super brave and went in up to their knees, the cold didn’t faze them at all. After getting changed, we enjoyed ice pops under the pier and then another play in the sand before heading home. We were sad to leave but had the most amazing day.