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Friday 20th September 2024

We are family!

This week the children in Kangaroo class have enjoyed talking about their families. They created some houses from lollipop sticks and then drew their family inside the house frame. I think they look amazing and it was wonderful to listen to all the things the children had to say about their family. 

Throughout the week in our Maths sessions, we have been looking at grouping and sets. The children have been matching pairs of objects together, playing memory games and sorting objects into sets. We listened to the story, 'The Button Box' and then had a go at thinking of different ways to sort the buttons which was a little tricky at first. 

In PE the children have had fun pretending to be pirates. The children played capture the pirate as well as all aboard the pirate ship. The children practised their jumping skills jumping over the treasure and then played capture the treasure to end the lesson. 

In our Squiggle sessions the children practiced squiggly lines this week which was a little bit tricky but they still had fun. We also had a go at Pen Disco - Why not have a go at home:


 The children have enjoyed our RWI sessions this week. We looked at the sounds 'm,a,s,d,t' The children are also trying really hard with their 'Fred Talk'. Why not check out our RWI blog to watch videos of the sounds that we practiced this week. 


The rainy day on Friday encouraged some children to sing a song about the weather.


 Well hopefully the wet weather doesn't last too long and we can enjoy the weekend. I'm looking forward to next week when we will be learning about our five senses. 

Don't forget school photos on Monday! 

Kangaroos Term 1 Week 3 2024



Upcoming Events

23rd Sept - Individual School Photos

27th Sept – Discothon

15th Oct – Parents Evening

15th Oct – Little City in school for the children

16th Oct – Parents Evening

17th Oct – Harvest drawing competition

23rd Oct – non-uniform day

23rd Oct – Parent Celebration Event@2.30

23rd Oct – End of Term 1