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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 1st March 2024

Fee Fi Fo Fum....please listen to my side of the story!

This week we continued with the story 'Jack and the Beanstalk' but we looked at different versions and even created our own at the end of the week. We had a visit from the giant who left massive footprints in our classroom and a video message. The giant told the story from his point of view and the children had to decide who they believed the giant or Jack.  Lots of children thought that Jack shouldn't have stolen from the giant. In the middle of the week we found lots of magic beans. The children thought carefully about what they would wish for and shared their ideas with the class.  We will continue to read different versions over the term so if you have a version at home that you haven't read then please send it in. 

In our Maths sessions this week the children have been exploring the number 7. We have looked at different ways to make 7. For example the children had two different colours and had to show numbers that combine to make seven for example four and three and five and two. We even sang 'Seven little ducks went swimming one day' but each time different numbers of ducks stayed to play. The children had to work out how many stayed to play by how many ducks arrived back. On Friday we looked at squares and rectangles and I set the children the challenge of creating different squares and rectangles from lollipop sticks. 

In our topic work this week we have been looking at how we know plants are alive. The children have watched some information clips and talked about the features that tell us a plant is alive such as they are 'born' from a seed, they grow and move and they even make their own food. In our art work this week the children have been experimenting with 'rubbing' the oldest form of print making. The children covered a textured item with a piece of paper and then using the crayon to show the picture. On Friday our cress had grown so we decided to make cress sandwiches which most of the children enjoyed. We also planted some sunflower seeds so we look forward to seeing who can grow the tallest sunflower. 

Next week we will be growing our own beanstalks.

Please remember that reading books are changed on a Friday - It is important that we have the children's book and reading diary in school so they can be changed. As the children are in groups for reading the reading leader of that group changes the book not myself. If you send the book in on other day it may not get changed. 

Tuesday is our library book day so Mrs Hughes will change these - These are the books that you share together and require an adult to read them. 

If you haven't checked out Oxford owl for reading then I would recommend it as it has the book the children have been in reading in their group in addition to quizzes depending on your child's reading level. There is also the RWI blog which has links to different videos each week https://www.westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk/News/Friday-1st-March-2024/

Kangaroos Term 4 Week 2

 Upcoming events for next half term:

7th March - World Book Day - Dress as a word

15th March - Red Nose Day - Wear something red and a donation

19th/20th March - Parent Consultation Meetings

20th March - Reception Height and Weight Checks

26th March - Reception visit to the Farm

27th March - Easter Egg Entries due in

27th March - Parent Celebration for Reception Classes

28th March - Non uniform day/Easter Egg Hunt/End of Term