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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 19th July 2024

How nice that summer decided to visit us again this week! And how lovely to have all the children back this week, let’s hope the bugs have disappeared in time for the holidays!

The children have had a super week and have enjoyed some lovely activities.

In English, we talked about moving to Year one and how they might be feeling. As part of their writing activity, they wrote a letter to their new teacher, telling them all about what they like to do and a little bit about their family. Later in the week we read some pirate stories and what it might be like to be a pirate. The children enjoyed using the construction resources to build pirate ships and they even wrote a message to put in a bottle, as well as designing treasure island maps.

Wednesday was a big day for the children, spending the day in their new classes. They were so grown up about it and we had some lovely comments from their new teachers about their behaviour and how polite they all are!

The children have been learning and singing some sea shanties, and they sang these so enthusiastically, it was so lovely to hear.

Maths this week has been based on stories and how to solve the maths problems within the stories. Harry and his bucketful of dinosaurs needed our help as dinosaurs kept escaping from the bucket, and needed our help to count how many he had left if some had escaped. We had to figure out how to make balancing bridges. Would the bridge balance if the number of bricks on each side wasn’t equal? The children worked so well with their partners.

Well what fun we had in the water fight, and what beautiful weather for it. The children thoroughly enjoyed soaking the staff and indeed themselves.

Have a lovely sunny, restful weekend, ready for our final few days next week.

Wallaby Term 6 Week 7