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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 19th July 2024

Ahoy, there me hearties! 

This week we had an amazing time learning about pirates. We started the week with the story, 'The Pirates Next Door!' This inspired the children to design a pirate ship and draw what they would look like as a pirate. The children created treasure maps with lots of dangers for a pirate adventure. In the creative area, it was a hive of activity where children created hats, hooks and eye patches. I think we had some rather fabulous pirate hats. The children enjoyed playing pirate games and building pirate ships! As a challenge the children had a go at drawing a pirate using a how to draw...I was amazed to see the progress the children have made when they follow a drawing tutorial. I think you'll agree their drawings are amazing!!

In our Maths sessions, the children have been consolidating their mathematical knowledge by problem solving. We have had fun playing games such as shut the box. The children had to roll two dice and say the total before crossing off a number. The first person to cross off all their numbers was the winner. We listened to the story, 'Mr Gumpy's Outing' and discussed how many legs were in the boat before the boat sank. We then thought about different combinations of animals and people that could be in the boat. For example if there were 10 legs in the boat there could be two chickens, a person and a dog. The children loved the challenge of thinking about the different combinations for who could be in the boat. 

In our PE sessions, the children enjoyed playing a range of games especially cat and mouse. In this game the children pretended to be mice with a couple of cats. The cats chase the mice and then steel the tails from the mice. The children are out if they lose their tail until another mouse brings them a new one. 

As part of our Poetry Basket sessions, this week the children enjoyed learning the poem 'The Tide' Here are the words if you would like to practice:

Tide comes in, tide goes out. “Make up your mind,” I stand and shout. All this to-ing, and all this fro-ing. “Make up your mind which way you’re going”.

The children were all very excited to visit their new classes and they had a lovely time. They are looking forward to September already!! 

Friday was amazing! The children had the best time in their reward playtime. Water fight, disco music and lollies...what a way to finish the week!!

We hope you have a lovely weekend...Three more days to go!! 

Don't forget to visit our RWI blog over the summer to keep the children's sound knowledge fresh. If the children start Year 1 knowing their set 2 sounds it will really help their reading and writing development. 


Kangaroos Term 6 Week 7

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