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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 19th July

It seems hard to believe that we are coming to the end of another school year, however, what a privilege it has been watching the children in Bumblebee class grow and develop during that time!

This week we have been reading the story 'The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch' and we have been drawing and painting lighthouses, making a tasty sandwich (which we got to eat - yum!) and designing a disgusting sandwich for the pesky seagulls to stop them eating Mr Grinling's lunch before it reached him.  There were sandwiches with sand in, some with hot pepper sauce or other spicy sauces and a few which were made from mouldy bread - yuk!

To finish our week off, we had a brilliant time at our water fight.  The children were certainly very keen on getting the grown-ups wet and they had great fun splashing each other too.  After all the running, the children enjoyed an ice lolly in the sun.  It was a great afternoon!

As this is the last  blog of the year, we would like to thank you for your continued support this year and wish you all a wonderful summer holiday.  Hopefully the sun will continue to shine!

Next week...


  • Monday 22nd July - Parent celebration afternoon 2:30-3:15
  • Wednesday 24th July - Year 2 graduation 2.15 at WCP
  • Wednesday 24thJuly – last day of school!