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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 19th January 2024

The Smeds and The Smoos have inspired our learning this week. The children have loved retelling the story and completing work linked to the text. Following a discussion on the planets visited in the story, the children decided that they would create their very own planet. It was great to see the children chatting about what would be on their planet for example we had a rainbow planet and at the end of the rainbow would be treasure. Another planet was a sweet planet with hanging candy canes and swirly lollipops. The children loved creating their very own alien that they might meet on their travels in space. I also set the children of photographing their amazing work and I was impressed with their photography skills. Can you tell which pictures the children took and which ones adults took? 

In our Maths sessions this week the children have been thinking about how 5 can be made. We used the number rhyme five little speckled frogs to help us. We discussed how many frogs on the log and how many in the pond and what the total was altogether. We used the sentences stems, "Five is made of one and four" as well as "Five is made of two and three." At the end of the week we continued our shape work looking at circles and triangles. The children went on a hunt to find the hidden shapes around the room. The children then sorted them into triangles and circles as well as by size. 

In our Topic, the children have created maps of their journey to school. The children had to think of three landmarks that they would pass on their way to school. We also looked at the work of Helen Chester especially her pictures that feature the Westbury White Horse. The children created horse pictures on a green background this week using chalk, pastels and paint. Take a look at our creations in the pictures down below. 

Kangaroos Term 3 Week 2


Upcoming Events

25th Jan - Reception Cake Sale 3.15pm

30th Jan - Space Dome Visit for Reception Children

5th Feb - Parent Event 14.30-15.15

8th Feb - Valentines Poetry Entries due in

9th Feb - End of Term

Don't forget to check out our RWI blog to support your child's reading development.
