Friday 19th April
Friday 19th April
It was lovely to welcome the children back after the Easter Holidays and they were eager to tell us what they had been up to.
In English we discussed what the children did in the holidays. The children then wrote sentences using their phonics knowledge. The children were introduced to the book ‘What the Ladybird Heard’ and wrote a description of the animals in the story. The children enjoyed creating a farmyard scene using materials and construction toys around the classroom.
During PSED we read a story about a girl who found things hard and challenging, so felt like giving up. We talked about when we feel like this and how with encouragement from our friends, we can do it! The children enjoyed some role play around this, where their friend felt like they couldn’t do something and they had to give them encouragement. The children used some beautiful words, which was so lovely to hear.
In Maths this week the children have been learning how to count things that we cannot see, such as, how many claps can we hear? Our class Rabbit needed help to count the children and the counters he wanted to give to the children, he was getting in a muddle as there were a lot to count. The children suggested ways to help him count the children such as each child sits down when they have been counted, so Rabbit knew who had been counted already. The counters were in a heap on the carpet and tricky to count, so the children came up with ways to make them easier to count, such as putting them into a line.
The children enjoyed DT this week. They were supported to make paper sculptures by folding strips of paper to make zigzags and cutting the paper to make a fringe. They then used their hand print to make a horse, and the zigzags used for a tail and the fringe for the horse’s mane.
Just a reminder about the trip to The Wild Place this Wednesday 24th April.
Wallaby Term 5 Week 1