Friday 19th April
What a week! We have been so proud of how well the Bumblebees have settled back into school following the Easter holidays. They have played really well together and demonstrated great turn-taking and sharing which has been wonderful to see.
Our new topic this term is all about Africa. We used atlases to help us locate Kenya and we looked at some of the physical and human features that can be found there. We then compared these features to the UK.
In English, we have been reading the story 'The Ugly Five' by Julia Donaldson. We have also been looking at postcards. We looked at some different postcards which had been sent during the break and we identified the different features. On Friday, we wrote our own postcards and we pretended that we were in Kenya and had visited the 'ugly five'.
In maths, we have been learning to count in steps of 2, 5 and 10. We found this quite tricky but we were resilient and kept on trying.
Important reminders...
Next Tuesday we visit Noah’s Ark Zoo. The children need to wear their school jumper and comfy trousers with sturdy shoes. They will need a backpack to carry their lunch. We will be back within school time and if we are running late you keep an eye on social media for any updates.