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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 17th November 2023

Don't you know there is no such thing as a Gruffalo...or is there? 

This week started with a mystery visitor to Kangaroo Class. The children discovered some clues such as tusks, purple prickles and footprints. I have to say the children would make excellent detectives as they soon linked the evidence to the Gruffalo. This week the children have really enjoyed telling the story over and over again so that they can recall parts of it from memory. 

In our topic work this week we continued to look at woodland animals and learn about their homes in the woods. The children played a 'what am I' game and could work out from the clues what the animal was. We even had time to try and learn a rap about a woodlands. We were fantastic at singing the chorus. If you would like to practice the rap at home then this is a link:


In our maths sessions, the children have been thinking about more than/fewer than or equal to when comparing groups. The children enjoyed playing a game of 'cube grab' where they grabbed a handful of cubes and had to guess who had the most/fewest. Then then counted them reliably and compared the amounts. 

Last week some children started to bring home sound blending books. When your child reads at home it would be fantastic if you could write in their reading diary. We change the books every Friday so please can you send in your child's reading book and diary on the Friday. If you would like to know how to read the sound blending books then please check out this video. It suggests a kit but you do not need to buy this as we will provide the books and we have already provided the children with a set of sound cards. 


You can also see some videos that will support your child's learning on the RWI Blog. 


On Friday the children learnt about the importance of Children in need and we thank you for the contributions you sent into school. Please can you keep an eye out for any Pudsey ears as a couple went missing. 

We had a fun week and we hope you have a lovely weekend. 

Kangaroos Term 2 Week 3

 Upcoming Events

23rd November – School Trip – If you are able to help then please speak to Miss Thrippleton or Miss Adlam

1st December – Christmas Story Telling – Ticketed event

7th December – Decorate a Christmas Jar – Entries due in

13th December – Nativity Performance @10.00 (Children allowed)

14th December – Nativity Performance @14.00 (Adults only) followed by the Christmas fayre

18th December – Christmas Service all saints church

19th December – Christmas Jumper day, lunch and parties

20th December – End of term 2