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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 17th May 2024

Mad about Minibeasts!!

The children have loved learning about minibeasts this week. The children really enjoyed a minibeast hunt in the sensory garden - They understood the habitats different minibeast prefer and eagerly upturned logs and stones in their search of the tiny creatures. Luckily we managed to find several minibeasts such as ladybirds, butterflies, snails, slugs and lots of wriggly worms!!! Following on from the hunt in the creative area the children had the opportunity to take part in some observational drawings of minibeasts that were encased in acrylic blogs. I think we definitely have some budding artists looking at the pictures they created - They are amazing! 

In our English this week we have enjoyed listening to rhyming stories such as Mad about Minibeast and Twist and Hop Minibeast Hop. The children could identify the rhyming words and had fun writing silly sentences such as the snail in jail. In their English books the children wrote some fantastic facts they had learnt about minibeasts. Did you know that a woodlouse eats its own shell? In one of our sessions we had a bop along to the song, 'The Ugly Bug Ball' and the children had the opportunity to create their own minibeast masks. On Friday, the children enjoyed performing a story all about Luna the ladybird who went to a party. I wonder if they could make up their own story all about a minibeast?

In our maths lessons this week we have been learning to use number tracks and play number track games. The children had to first create the track by ordering the numbers. We gave the children the numbers out of order and asked them where they would be placed on a number track. The children had to use their reasoning skills to discuss the placement of each number. On Friday, the children explored the language of capacity such as full, empty, nearly full, nearly empty and half full. The children had fun exploring this concept by filling different sized containers to the different levels. 

We have been assessing the children's phonic knowledge this week and I am pleased to see the progress the children are making. If you would like to support your child's phonic knowledge then don't forget to check out the RWI blog:


Kangaroos Term 5 Week 5

 Don't forget that Sports day is next week and the children will need to come in their PE kits on Wednesday as well as Tuesday for PE. 

Upcoming events

22nd May - Sports Day

24th May - Non- uniform day + £1 donation

24th May  - End of term 5