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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Wallabies term 5 week 5


Friday 17th May

In English this week, children have enjoyed looking at all kinds of different minibeasts. As part of this they have enjoyed listening to poems and listening out for rhyming words. They have written facts about different minibeasts in writing, used magnifying glasses to explore a range of different minibeasts, creating them out of play doh, playing minibeast bingo and creating minibeast masks to attend a bop!

This week in maths children have developed an understanding of the magnitude of numbers. Previously, the children have reasoned about the size of numbers through comparing sets of objects and identifying which set has more or fewer. This week, they focused on ordinality: considering where numbers to 10 are in relation to each other. Through practical activities and games, the children were reasoning about numbers and had to think carefully about which is more or less. They used linear number tracks to play games that encouraged them to compare numbers that are far apart, near and next to each other.

In topic, children have enjoyed learning all about minibeasts. They started off the week thinking about what minibeasts are, what they need to survive and where they live. They have enjoyed going on minibeast hunts, doing observational drawing of minibeasts, using loose parts to create their own minibeast and playing in a minibeast café in the outside mud kitchen.