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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 14th June 2024

Oh, my goodness! Wallaby class had an email from the police! They needed our help. They had heard how good they are at designing wanted posters, and need the children to help catch Lanky Len and Hefty Hugh. They have been causing so much mischief in the ‘What the Ladybird Heard’ stories, that they just had to be caught!

The books we have been reading in English this week are What the Ladybird Heard at the Seaside and Sully the Seahorse. Sully believed that he was not good at racing with the other fish, but he was great at camouflaging himself. We discussed how it doesn’t matter if we are not so good at something, we can just keep trying, and we can’t be good at everything1

The children have enjoyed making beach scenes, observing shells and drawing them. We have also been talking about the dangers we might encounter on the beach and how we can stay safe, especially for our trip next week.

In Maths the children have been consolidating their knowledge of how to make 5, and subitising using the rekenreks. The children were also able to tell me what one more and one less of a number would be. They used tens frames to show 5 and a bit. E.g. 5+1=6.

In PE the children have been rolling balls and running to pick them up whilst keeping their balance. As well as different ways to throw a ball.

The children have been enjoying their outdoor play, with water and making boats that float, a role play ice cream shop and throwing and catching beach balls.

You have been superstar learners this week Wallabies, well done! 😊


Dates to remember:

Thursday 21st June: tri to Boscombe Beach.

Friday 28th June: Colour Run.

Wallaby Term 6 Week 2