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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 13th September

What a busy week we've had in Bumblebees!   I am so proud of all the children for the way they have settled into new routines.  

In our English this week we have been reading the story 'Can I build another me?'  The story is all about a little boy who tries to create a robot to be just like him.  The children have been busy drawing and making their own robots out of playdough and other construction materials.  They have listed the nouns that can be found on the face and body and they have had a go at saying and writing sentences about themselves.

In maths, we have been counting on and back to 10, then 20.  We have ordered number cards and counted groups of objects by moving them one at a time to ensure we have counted them all.   We then had a go at representing objects with counters on a tens frame to make it easier for us to count.

In our art lessons, we have been introduced to the sculptor Augusta Savage.  We found out that Augusta was an African-American artist who made busts from clay.  We have explored the texture of clay and made our own clay bees.  We also had a go at making our own paper sculptures using strips of paper which we folded, bent and curled to make them look more interesting.  Please take a look at our photos below.

This term, PE is on Tuesday and Fridays and children will need to come to school in their PE kit on those days.    Please ensure that your child’s uniform, including hats, coats, lunchboxes and drinks bottles, are labelled as this makes it a lot easier for us to ensure your child does not lose their things in school.

Reading books have been given out today and they are changed every Friday. For additional reading activities please see the RWI blog page. There are also log in details for Oxford Owl inside reading records.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend!


Important dates:

Wednesday 25th September - trip to the Holburne museum.