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Friday 13th October 2023

We have had an amazing week exploring our senses in Kangaroo Class. We started the week with a visit to our sensory garden. The children enjoyed discovering the plants they could smell, the textures they could touch and the sounds they could hear. The children also discussed all the different things they could see and what they might be able to taste such as the herbs and fruit growing on the trees. In our topic sessions the children used their sense of touch to work out what object was hiding in the bag. We were smell detectives to work out the scents that were in each smell pot and at the end of the week we had fun tasting different foods. We played a listening game where the children had to say what sounds they could hear in an audio clip. It was a great week. 

In our maths sessions we have been exploring the numbers 1,2, 3 and 4. The children used their subitising skills to recognise the number of dots on the screen before they disappeared. We loved watching Numberblocks to find out more about number three and number four. The children enjoyed going on a hunt to find examples of the number three. We also explored the composition of three and four for example 1 and 1 and 1 makes three.

The children were amazing on their walk to church and it was great to hear that they enjoyed singing their Autumn songs. The children discovered what happens in the harvest time. 

We have had a great time in our Read Write Inc sessions and the children are becoming more confident to recognise the sounds we have learnt. This week we focused on f,e,l,h &r. We are continuing to work on our Fred talk and blending sounds to make words. 

I can't believe that it is the last three days of the term it seems to have flown by. We have our parent event on Tuesday 17th October and we hope you can make it. 

Kangaroos Week 6

Upcoming Events

17th Oct - Parent Celebration 2.30 

18th Oct - Non Uniform day - £1.00 contribution