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Friday 12th July 2024

What a week we’ve had in Kangaroo class this week!

We started the week by reading ‘Someone Swallowed Stanley’. The children listened with interest to see what would happen next. In the story, Stanley is a carrier bag that has made its way to the bottom of the sea. The children thought about how it could be a danger to the sea creatures and the impact it would have on the sea environment. It also helped us to discuss how we can reuse and recycle certain materials. As the writing task this week the children got to create a poster to tell people not to throw rubbish into the ocean. The children had lots of activities linked to the story in their provision. They had the opportunity to save the sea creatures by removing the plastic and to create a machine that would clean and recycle the rubbish that might be in the ocean. In the creative area, the children had the opportunity to make a Kite as Stanley was recycled into a kite. I set the challenge of creating a bag like Stanley using weaving skills.

In our maths learning this week the children have consolidated their knowledge of counting a group of objects reliably, understanding one more or fewer than a number as well as comparing two groups of numbers. We played a game on Monday where the children could grab a handful of cubes and then compare with their friends if they had more or fewer. On Thursday, we had fun using our problem-solving skills to work out different ways to make 10. One person was the chief pirate who decided how much to pay their crew member. They would then say who had more or fewer and what numbers combined to make 10.

On Thursday, the children had an amazing opportunity to watch a band perform in the hall. The children were captivated by the music singing and dancing along. The band introduced the children to the different instruments and what they sounded like. The children absolutely loved the performance and I took a short video as a snapshot of the experience.


In our topic learning this week, the children have been thinking about what it would be like at the seaside in the past. We travelled back in time with Magic Grandad to see what it would be like. The children enjoyed comparing the past and present. In our Music sessions, the children have been learning about tempo by listening to the song, ‘Over the deep blue sea’. We also revisited some songs that the children love such as ‘A sailor went to sea’. Take a look at our video of our amazing singing.


I can’t believe the end of term is fast approaching. We have just under two weeks left. Next week we are assessing how well the children know their sounds so if you would like to do a little bit of practice then why not visit the Read, Write Inc Blog:


Children need to know their set 1 sounds speedily and at least six set 2 sounds.

Towards the end of the week it was very quiet with the children who were away. I hope everyone is starting to feel better and that everyone returns next week.

Kangaroos Term 6 Week 6

Upcoming Events

17th July - Transition Day - Children visit their new classes

19th July - Reports to parents

19th July - Non-uniform day - £1 donation

23rd July - Parent Celebration Event 2.30

24th July - End of term 6