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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 12th July

What a lovely week we've had - the highlight being the amazing New Orleans Band who put on an incredible performance for us all.  The children were captivated by the music and were all singing and dancing along. The band introduced us to their different instruments and let us hear what they all sounded like.  It was lovely to see the children enjoying themselves  and to listen to them talking so animatedly about the performance afterwards.



In English this week we have shared the story of Bertha Benz, the wife of Karl who made the first motor wagon.  After the story we thought about our trip to the Haynes Motor Museum.  We sequenced pictures from the day and then wrote a recount about the events.  We used a number of time connectives to start our sentences and made sure we used our capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.

In DT this week we followed our designs to help us add different features to our cars.  We added windscreens and windscreen wipers, doors, windows, headlights, number plates and some of us even added a boot.  We then tested our cars to check that they moved and to ensure that we had followed our list of design criteria.  Next week we will be evaluating our designs and thinking about ways to improve them.

We hope you have a lovely weekend.


Next week...

Tuesday 16th July - Last swimming session

Friday 19th July - Reward playtime - details to follow