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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Wallabies term 6 week 6


Friday 12th July

Oh no…. someone swallowed Stanley! The children have absolutely loved this story in English this week. It teaches us about the importance of not throwing rubbish into our oceans and what might happen if we do. For their writing task this week, children created a poster warning others not to litter. They wrote clear messages such as ‘Do not throw rubbish into the sea, pick it up and put it in the bin’ children have enjoyed themed activities linked to the book including sorting objects into the correct bins, acting out the story using small word props to help them, designing their own recycling symbol, building a vehicle/machine to collect rubbish in the construction area, using the ipad ton draw Stanley in different locations and making playdoh impressions of sea creatures. They have been super busy!

In topic, children have looked at beaches in the past and what activities people used to do there and compared it to today. In music they sang a song called over the dep blue sea and thought about the tempo. They thought back over the songs over the term that they have been singing including ‘oh I do like to be beside the seaside and We’re all going on a summer holiday. They have also continued practising reciting poems and this week they have been learning a poem called ‘seashells’

The children were lucky enough to listen to a performance by a brass band along with the rest of the school. They joined in with lyrics, danced and answered questions asked by the band. It was such fun! The got to see a saxophone, drums, trumpet, trombone and a tuba.