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Friday 12/01/23

Wallabies Term 3 Week 1

 A warm welcome to Wallaby class :-) What a wonderful week the children have had getting to know their new classroom and for some, new classmates! They have coped amazingly and settled in really well, well done everyone. You are all superstars. 

The children have had a busy week of learning! English this week took us on a journey to space where we read the text Toys in space. Children drew and labelled their own toys, created lost posters for toys lost in space and even had a go at using play doh to create models of different toys. Some showed superb creativity and built their own toys in our class construction area

In maths, the children continued to engage with activities that draw attention to the purpose of counting - to find out 'how many' objects there are. They used Numberblocks to put numbers in the correct order and they built their own number towers to match each Numberblock image. They ended the week learning about shapes and had a go at sorting these into sorting hoops. They had further opportunities in provision to create pictures using different shapes such as well as cutting and sticking shapes to create pictures such as a teddy bear. 

We have begun a new theme in P.E and have been exploring gym shapes. This week we learnt a tuck and star shape. In topic, children listened to the story 'Me on a Map' and drew a own map of their bedrooms. They explored a map of the school grounds and used it to find the missing naughty buses hidden around the school. Children ended the week by exploring what happens to a colour when black or white is added. They added white and black to green to create different shades. 

Stay tuned next week for more photos :-) 

Upcoming Events

16th Jan - Reception Height and Weight Checks

25th Jan - Reception Cake Sale 3.15pm

30th Jan - Space Dome Visit for Reception Children

5th Feb - Parent Event 14.30-15.15

8th Feb - Valentines Poetry Entries due in

9th Feb - End of Term

Don't forget to check out our RWI blog to support your child's reading development.
