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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 11th October 2024

999 what’s your emergency!

This week the children have been learning about People who help us in the community. The children have enjoyed dressing up as different professionals, playing with puppets to act out scenarios and use the small world toys to share what they know about hospitals, fire stations and police stations. We enjoyed the story, ‘When I grow up..’ and this gave the children some ideas about what they could be when they grow older. Everyone was excited to share what they would like to be when they grow up. We had a wide range of answers from princesses to doctors.

In our creative areas this week we have been practising our drawing skills to create self-portraits. At the start of the week the children made a line drawing of themselves. Then I challenged the children to paint their face and add their features using pencils and pastels.

PE was amazing this week as the children got to experience the parachute. The children had to pretend that they were superheroes and that the parachute was their capes. They made big and small waves with their ‘capes’ working as a team to control the size of the wave. At the end the children played ‘catch the villain’ Two children were the villains under the parachute and two on top were the superheroes. The villains were disguised by the waves made by the children.

In our maths learning this week the children have experimented with pattern. We looked at different patterns in the environment and then moved on to making AB repeating patterns. The children had fun using different materials to create these patterns. We used movements such as clap, jump, clap, jump and sit, stand, sit, stand. The children worked in pairs to create a pattern that everyone could join in with. The children enjoyed a visit to the sensory garden to collect natural materials and then experimented with making patterns and pictures using natural objects.

In our RWI sessions this week the children have worked on their blending skills to read words by using the magnetic boards. We have introduced spelling to some of the children using their ‘Fred Fingers’. In our Squiggle sessions we practiced the hook movement which was a little challenging to draw with our crayons but we managed to do a fantastic job by the end of the week. If you would like to support your child with their reading development then please check out the RWI blog:


We like to invite parents into school for a celebration event. We would love for you to join us on the 23rd October at 14.30 to make some skeletons using different materials. 

Next week we have a very exciting visit from Little City and we will continue to look at people who help us.

Upcoming Events

15th Oct – Parents Evening

15th Oct – Little City in school for the children

16th Oct – Parents Evening

17th Oct – Harvest drawing competition

23rd Oct – non-uniform day

23rd Oct – Parent Celebration Event at 2.30 in the classroom

23rd Oct – End of Term 1