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Friday 11th October

The children in Bumblebee class have been very busy this week learning to get along with their friends and taking turns and sharing.  

We started the week looking at friendship in our life skills lessons and discussed what a good friend was and how they behaved.  Following this, the children have been trying hard to  make sure that they are playing fairly together and letting everyone have a turn.  It has been lovely to see some great sharing taking place, especially when playing with the play dough.

In English, we have been telling our own Monkey puzzle stories.  We chose our own animals to include in the story but used some of the repetitive phrases from the story in our work.

In maths, we have been busy adding.  We have used part-whole models and tens frames to add two groups together and recorded this as a number sentence.  We have also been looking at what doubling means and have used Numicon and cubes to show our doubles to at least 5+5.

In science, we have continued to look at animals this week.  We have discovered that animals can be grouped in three ways according to what they eat.  They can be carnivores (meat eaters), herbivores (plant eaters) or omnivores (meat and plant eaters).  On Wednesday, we became animal detectives and looked for clues to tell us which animals had been lurking around.  We looked at different footprints, food samples, fur, feathers and burrows and nests to help us work out the different animals.  We had to use all our scientific knowledge to help us solve the clues.  It was really fun!

On Thursday, Mrs Newbury popped into class and joined us in making some lovely animal pictures.  We hope you enjoy looking at some of the photos from this week.


Important dates:

Tuesday 15th and Wednesday 16th October - Parent's evenings

Monday 21st October - Harvest festival at the church at 2:00pm

Wednesday 23rd October - Parent celebration event at 2:30pm

Wednesday 23rd October  - Last day of term