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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 10th May

It’s been a lovely sunny week and the children have enjoyed using the outdoor resources.

Our story in English this week was Dear Zoo. We discussed what a letter is and why we write letters. The children thought about what animals would not make good pets. We decided that a giraffe would be too tall to fit in our houses, a lion would be too scary and an elephant wouldn’t fit on our bed. The children played a ‘Who am I?’ game. They had to think of an animal and write clues to help their friend guess the animal.

The children have loved showing the photos of them with their pets. They told us all about their pet and the children answered questions from the class. Thank you for sending them in!

In Maths this week the children have been consolidating their number bonds to ten by showing 7,8,9 on their fingers. We used double dice frames to show five and our extra bits (5+2, 5+3, 5+4).

The children enjoyed PE this week. We used our bodies to roll in different positions. This included pencil rolls and Egg rolls, whilst balancing a beanbag on their tummy or holding it in their feet. They couldn’t drop it in case the crocodile ate it!

In the outside area, the children have enjoyed making habitats for different animals, an animal hunt ‘at the zoo’ and making a zoo and homes for animals with the large construction blocks.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Events coming up:

Thursday 16th May – Class photos.

 Wednesday 22nd May – Sports Day.

Friday 24th May – Break up for Half term.

Wallaby Term 5 Week 4