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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 10 May

This week in Bumblebee class has marked the beginning of our latest topic about puppets.  We started the week looking at how different puppets work.  The children spent some time playing with the different puppets and putting on their own puppet shows before having a go at making their own finger and stick puppets.  As the week progressed, we looked at different joining techniques such as gluing, stapling, sewing, using sellotape and Blu-tac.  We discovered that Blu-tac and sellotape were not very secure at holding two bits of felt together and we all agreed that sewing would be the best method for securing the puppets that we will make.  Once we had made this decision, we spent time learning how to sew using a running stitch.  We all found the sewing really tricky but we were resilient and kept on trying.

We have also had great fun this week making our own animal models using recycled materials.  We used a range of boxes, straws, bottles, lolly sticks and masking tape to create our models and then we painted them on Friday.

As a reward for all our hard work in class this week, we spent some time outside in our courtyard, working as a team to sweep up the leaves and clear the area ready for us to use during the summer.  We are planning to plant some flowers and decorate it and then we can sit outside for snack or for some of our learning.

Important reminders…

  • Class photographs - Thursday 16th May
  • Term 6 - swimming will take place every Tuesday afternoon
  • Kids Day Out trip to Longleat is 12th June
  • School trip  to Haynes Motor Museum is 13th June