Freeze Framing and Recounts
This week in Panda Class we have been doing some drama. The children worked in groups to freeze frame different parts of the story ‘The Hunter’. They were fantastic at this, as you will see in the pictures below. We have also planned a recount of the story which the children have then written in best as though they were Jamina.
In maths, the year 1’s have been looking at a half and thinking about sharing. The year 2’s have been looking at ½, 1/3 and a ¼. We have been drawing and recording our answers.
We have finished our fantastic topic on Kenya. I am amazed at how much the children know! We have looked at what our school is like compared to schools in Kenya and we have also compared our own houses to the mud houses that the Maasai tribe live in.
Don’t forget our extra day off next week! We will look forward to seeing you back in school on Tuesday.
Our PE days are Tuesday (indoors PE) and Friday (outside PE).
If there is anyone who can help next Wednesday afternoon for our new DT topic. We are learning to thread needs and how to sew a running stitch, then please let us know.