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Florence and Haikus!

This week, we started our new history topic called 'The Nurturing Nurses!'. The children found out about Florence Nightingale and how she was so important in the Crimean War. She helped the injured soldiers and taught everyone about the need for clean, sterile hospitals. Florence ('The Lady With The Lamp') really did change nursing forever! The children looked at old photographs of Florence and used their historical enquiry skills to find out about her life. They asked questions and acted like detectives to find clues about what her role might have been like. The children then carried out some role play, pretending to be both wounded soldiers and Florence.

In English, the children have been looking at poetry. We have thought about what makes some words rhyme. The children looked at haikus. These are short, three line poems that need to have a certain number of syllables (beats) per line. The first and third lines need 5 syllables and the second line needs 7 syllables. The children wrote their own haikus about winter. This is Mrs Rockey's attempt:

Winter frost shimmers

It is freezing and chilly

Wrap up in your hats!

In Maths, the children have been learning to count up to 50. They have thought about the composition of these numbers and how many tens and ones each number has. The children used concrete apparatus to make the different numbers.

Take a look at some of our photos below: