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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

End of the year for Leopard Class!

Wow! This year has flown by! I am so proud of all of the children in Leopard Class. We have had an amazing year full of learning, creativity, team work and fun. It has been an absolute pleasure to see all of the children grow and continue to show their hard-work and positivity throughout the year.  To end the last full week of term with a treat of ice pops, music and a water fight was the icing on a cake. The smiles and laughter that the children displayed was infectious and of course we all ended up soaked!

In maths, we had a problem-solving week. The children had challenges each day and they worked independently and as teams to apply their maths understanding. 

We have been learning about leaflets in English. The children identified features of a leaflet and have started writing one for Haynes Motor Museum. 

This will be the final blog of the year. We wish you all a lovely summer break and we will see you back in September!


Miss McMillan and the Leopard Class team :)



  • Monday 22nd July - 2.30-3.15pm Parent celebration
  • Wednesday 24th July- Last day of term and Year 2 Graduation- 2.15pm.  The event will be held at the Westbury Community Project (next to the school).