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End of term parent celebration event!

We have reached the end of Term 1 and what an amazing term we have had. The children have worked so hard, not only settling into the routines of Year 1, but also in terms of their learning. They have loved our habitat topic and particularly enjoyed our 'Marvellous Minibeasts' workshop at Westonbirt Arboretum. It therefore made sense to have a minibeast-themed parent celebration event!

Thank you to all the parents, grandparents and also little siblings who visited Zebra Class on Monday. It is always so lovely to have you in the classroom. We had a wonderful time playing 'Beetle Drive'. First, we had to make all of the anatomical parts of a beetle out of playdoh- which reminded us about the parts of a minibeast (head, body, 2 antennae, 6 legs, wings, eyes). Then, we played the game, rolling different dice numbers to collect the right parts of our beetle. The winner was the first person to construct an entire beetle! I think the children were especially pleased when they managed to beat a grown up! I was delighted to hear that when you took your playdoh home, you played the game again, teaching other family members the rules. Do keep playing over half-term. 

Please enjoy a restful, fun half-term break and I look forward to hearing all of the children's news when we return to school. 

Here are a few photos from Monday's celebration event: