Easter and Scooters!
Wow! What a week! The end of term is here already. Thank you to everyone who came to the parent event on Monday. The flowers were a huge success and it is wonderful to celebrate all of the fantastic learning that you are so supportive with.
The children have blown my socks off with their writing this week. They had to write a sequel to Goldilocks and the Three Bears, their main character was called Rosie Red. She had to come in and fix all the problems that Goldilocks had made by making more porridge, fixing the chairs and making the beds.
In Maths we have been investigating the story of ‘One is a Snail and Ten is a Crab’. The children were set lots of different activities to complete with the characters.
The Year 2 children have taken part in Scootability. They had great fun thinking about how to stay safe while being able to enjoy themselves. The listened really well and were a credit to the class.
We have come to the end of our topic about plants and the children have written some fantastic essays about everything they have learned. Mr Brewer was so impressed with their learning, he really enjoyed listening to their scientific vocabulary and the use of the word ‘because’.
Have the most wonderful and relaxing Easter break, keep up all the great reading and I look forward to seeing you all when we return.
Important reminders…
- - Return to school TUESDAY 16th APRIL
- - Mrs Millard will be in class on Friday
- - Noah’s Ark Zoo trip Tuesday 23rd April