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Creative Meerkats!

Another fantastic week in Meerkat class, with the highlights being our disco dancing throughout the day today and trip to the Holboune Museum yesterday.  A big thank you to our parent helpers who joined us – these trips could not go ahead without your support - thank you so much. 😊

At the start of the day, the children dipped into their back brains to share all of their learning from the past few weeks about sculpture before using model figures to recreate poses from the paintings in the gallery.  The children then, using an armature, created poses before using adding and moulding modrock to the frame to make their own sculptures.  The children should be so proud of what they created during the workshop – we certainly were! After lunch we were able to walk around Sydney Gardens where we saw some very fast trains pass under the bridge that we were stood on - the drivers even gave a wave and tooted their horns for the children.  The weather was on our side so we took full advantage and spent time enjoying the wonderful playpark.  The children were amazing and a member of the museum staff even approached me to say what a great group they were!  Not surprising, our class gem jar in filling up nicely.

Back in class, we finished the week by making clay bust sculptures, putting all the skills that the children have learnt together.  We were quite blown away by the skills shown.  The children took their time adding detail, showed resilience when it was tricky and helped each other.  Well done marvellous Meerkats!

We have been learning the mathematical vocabulary to use when comparing objects and numbers.  We have used a variety of resources when estimating and comparing, and practiced using the terms, ‘fewer’, ‘less than’, ‘more than’ and ’greater than’ before recording our learning in our books.  We are also practising our digit formation and the children are progressing well and have begun using mathematical symbols in number sentences.

In English, we have thought about what we can and can’t do (yet) as well as what we might be when we grow up.  We have been focussing on the spoken word and have been rehearsing what we want to write by saying it first and thinking about what punctuation we will add.  We have heard aspirations of being builders with big muscles, teachers with spinning chairs, rock stars with electric guitars and dentist with sparkly teeth!  We then wrote our sentences, I was so impressed that I had to send some children to Mrs Budge to her their work!

Music has continued to be a firm favourite in Meerkat class.  This week we listened to ‘The flight of the bumblebee’.  First, without knowing the title of the piece, the children had to listen and imagine what the music represented – they were spot in with their guesses! We then became bees and moved in time to the music – very buzzy indeed. We also listened to ‘Oranges and Lemons’ and played a game of travelling under the bridge as the different church bells were sung and described in the verses.

A shout out for helpers:

Next term we will be visiting SS Great Britain on Friday 22nd November.  If you are able to support our class by joining us as a helper on this trip please let myself or one of the team know asap.  Thank you.

The new dinner menu is on the website, please do look at the menu with your child to help them when choosing their daily option.  https://www.westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk/Noticeboard/Lunch-Menus/

Next week, I will be in class every day except Thursday when Mrs Erikson will teach Meerkat class.  Our wonderful TAs, Mrs Allen will be in Mon-Wed and Miss Smith will be in Thurs-Fri.

Wishing you all a very happy weekend! 

Mrs Jeffery, Miss Turner, Mrs Allen and Ms Smith

Class email – class3@westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk