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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Constructing Cars and Persuasive Letters

This week, the children had great fun constructing their cars.  They had to choose wheels and make sure they fitted on the axles properly.  The children then had great fun attaching doors and windows using pivot and hinge joins.  They have really enjoyed their DT topic on cars this term.

In English, the children have worked so hard on their persuasive letter writing skills.  They had to persuade the Moulton Bike Company to make their bike with added features.  I was so proud of their finished letters.

We held our very own school general election and even had a polling box to put our votes into.  The children thought this was very exciting!

As the weather is still warm, please remember sunhats and apply cream before school.  No drinks bottles are required as the children have access to their cups throughout the day.


Next week

PE on Tuesday and Thursday.

Have a lovely weekend.