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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Computing and Axles!

After finishing our History topic about cars, we have moved onto looking at how cars are made in preparation for our DT topic. First, we had to look at make sure we could name the different parts of the cars, then we spent time investigating the axle and what happens if its length is changed. We used dowel, cotton buds, straws and different size wheels to see what we could discover! It was an interesting and very fun afternoon!

For computing we have been carrying on with our Scratch Jnr activities. This week instead of starting by pressing the green flag, the children had to tap on the sprite to start. Then the children had to make the sprite say something, then switch between backgrounds.

The Year 2 children continued their transition visits to the Junior School and are becoming very grown up. We have spent a lot of time in class chatting about positive change and how we can overcome our worries.

We have enjoyed continued our work about Mrs Armitage and we are looking at the structure of writing a letter and all of the different features.

Next week….

  • - Mrs Clifford will be in class on Wednesday.
  • - PE kit on Wednesday and Friday.
  • - Summer reading challenge assembly on Friday.