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Colourful colour run and creative cars!

Another busy week in Panda Class! The children are really enjoying their new DT topic learning about how to make a moving car.  They have been testing out different ways to attach an axle to a chassis and the best way to fix the wheels to an axle.  The children have been very creative in making axles from  sticks, pencils, dowels or straws.  They had a good attempt at cutting out wheels but decided it was more successful to use pre cut ones! They have also designed what they would like their finished vehicle to look like,  ready to create it next week.  

The children are really enjoying all of our English learning based on the story book Mrs Armitage and her wheels. This week we have been learning about the important features of writing a persuasive letter.  Next week we will be writing our own persuasive letter and so to help us gather our ideas  we had a group debate where we needed to try and convince each other why it was a good idea to attach different things to our bikes - all things Mrs Armitage decided to attach: buckets, horns, comfortable seats or an umbrella.    

Finally today  Panda Class showed great enthusiasm when taking part in our annual colour run.  The children ran around the trim trail as many times as they could aiming to achieve 10 laps which is 1 mile.  Well done everyone, you showed great determination and stamina. It was a very colourful sight! We were very thankful it was a cooler day for the event!



Have a lovely weekend x