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Colourful Meerkats!

Gosh the weeks are really flying by now but the marvellous Meerkats haven’t lost their enthusiasm or energy for learning and growing their brains!  We started the week ‘learning outside of the classroom’ looking at cars and finished the week back outside with our amazing Colour Run!

The children, dressed in their fabulous colours, ran and walked their way around the Trim Trail 10 times. Some running their fastest and some running with friends, but most importantly their all took part and gave their best – well done Meerkats!

In English, we have kept our text of ‘Mrs Armitage on Wheels’ but now, using it to develop our letter writing skills, specifically persuasive writing.  We have looked at the features of a letter and persuasive language.  The children thought about modifications that they could add and in groups put forward arguments as to why the bike needed these new additions.

We have been consolidating our prior learning in Maths this week, the Year 2 children using their number bond knowledge to link facts and the Year 1 children creating fact families now that their addition and subtraction skills are emended.   We also completed number lines with missing numbers and read the scales on the lines.

Building on from our History topic of ‘Cars’, we have had a great start to our new DT topic ‘How to make a moving car’.  We have identified the various parts of a car and our recent trip to the museum has really supported the children’s knowledge and vocabulary for this. We have discussed the function of wheels and axles and today the children explored different types of axles and wheel sizes.  Next week the children will use this knowledge when they design their own cars.

Meanwhile, it maybe the Euros in Germany but the marvellous Meerkats were displaying some fabulous skills in football during PE this week.  Their ability to control the ball moving around cones has really improved so they progressed to partner skills, dribbling, keeping control and taking control of the ball.  Well done, and as always, such wonderful teamwork and support for each other.

The musical talent is improving too and the children are now confidently playing 7 learnt notes with a pure sound.  This week the children played the whole of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and were able to control the speed and play in time as a group.  Next week we will be taking on the challenge of a new song.

In Life Skills, the children followed a series of movements and thought about their own qualities before reciting affirmations.  As you can see from the pictures, lots of concentration and focus was required but all showed resilience and held the poses with smiles.

Looking forward to another busy week next week when  I will be in class Tuesday, Wednesday afternoon, Thursday and Friday with Mrs Hughes taking Meerkat Class all day Monday and Wednesday morning.  Ms Smith, our amazing TA will be with the class all week.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend. 

Mrs Jeffery, Mrs Hughes and Ms Smith

Meerkat Class Team

Our class email is class3@westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk