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Collaborative Creations and Successfully sequencing Story tellers

This week we have continued to create our wonderful mobile sculptures by first forming  a real or abstract leaf designs individually, which we have then  join together and worked  collaboratively to create  a beautiful class mobile. The children have really enjoyed creating unique pieces and showed perseverance when trying to attach their leaves to the mobile.

In our English lessons we have been reading the story of Lila and the secret of rain by David Conway and looking at past tense verbs as well as sequencing the story by creating a story map.  Well done Panda class for remembering the key events in order and recalling the story with lots of lovely details.  You are getting really good at using ed words in your writing to show that it happened in the past as well as trying to include some lovely similes, noun phrases and conjuctions to extend your writing and hook the reader!

In Maths this week our year 1 children have been working systematically to find their number bonds to 10.  They were number superstars! Our year 2 children have been really challenged this week as they practiced adding a 1 digit number to a 2 digit number, crossing the 10s and practicing this in reverse.  We spent a lot of time using our tens frames and diennes to work this out practically. It was quite a challenge so well done year 2 for showing real grit and determination and accepting that it is OK to make mistakes.  

Just a little reminder to PLEASE read together everyday and sign the reading diaries so that we can add your name to the reading balloons.  Well done Esmay for being first in Pandas to reach 30 reads.  A prize is coming your way!

We really look forward to seeing you at our parent event on Monday afternoon at 2.30 where we will be playing Beetle drive!  Have a lovely weekend. x



Panda mobiles and Lila story maps