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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Christmas performance!

WOW! We are all so proud of the children, they were amazing in their Christmas nativity performance! They spoke their lines clearly, sang beautifully and danced enthusiastically. Great job :)

We also had our special Christmas church service on Thursday at the All Saints Church. 

Thank you to all of the adults who have come to either or both of the events, the children have been so excited to share the Christmas spirit with you all.

In maths, we have been busy sorting 2D and 3D shapes and using them to make repeating patterns. 

In English, we have been making predictions about our new story 'Ollie's Christmas Reindeer' based on what we have read so far and have described what we saw in the pictures. Next week we will be writing our own endings for the story and then comparing how our stories are different to the original.

The children have loved designing their own Christmas card in DT and look forward to making it next week. We will be using our new knowledge of mechanisms to make a moving part on our cards.


Miss McMillan and the Leopard Class team :)



  • Wednesday 18th December - Christmas lunch (feel free to wear Christmas jumpers to school)
  • Thursday 19th December - Break up for the Christmas holidays.