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Chopping and cooking!

We have had another busy week in Zebra Class. The children have fully embraced our DT topic and have loved exploring different recipes. This week, it has been all about balanced, healthy eating and we enjoyed tasting different fruits at the beginning of the week. The children tried red grapes, white grapes, pomegranate, kiwi, strawberries, blueberries and cherries. We talked about the different tastes and whether we could spot seeds/stones inside. Many of us had never tasted pomegranate but we enjoyed it very much. The children then went on to design and make a healthy fruit salad. They practised their chopping, grating and slicing skills and I think we definitely have many chefs in the making! 

In English, the children have been writing their own non-chronological reports full of facts about London. They have included many of the features of this genre of writing, including an introduction, sub-headings, facts and photograph/picture boxes. The writing has been super!

In computing, the children have continued to enjoy using the iPads to create a pointillism digital painting of a sunflower. I think you will agree from the photos below that they did a great job!

In maths, we have practised counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and talked about these counting patterns. We then practised counting and grouping objects in 2s, 5s and 10s. This will help us when we explore multiplication and division next week. 

Next week, there will be a Maths workshop for parents, led by Mrs Channon on Thursday at 2.00pm to talk about lots of different maths games that can support learning at home. This then leads on to our parent event at 2.30. Thursday is our last day of term before the half -term break. 

Please remember to return any school reading books or library books if you have not done so already. The children will not bring a new library book home on Monday as all of the books need to remain in school to enable us to do a book audit. Thank you!

 Next Week-

Monday- ALL library books to be returned please 

Tuesday and Wednesday- PE

Thursday- Maths workshop 2pm, parent event 2.30pm and last day of term.

Friday- TD Day