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Cars and special visitors!

What a wonderful start to the term we have had in Meerkat Class this week. The children have all returned full of enthusiasm for new learning and new topics.  Hard to believe that we are in Term 6 already!

It was amazing to welcome so many grandparents, aunties and parents to Meerkat Class on Friday afternoon for the Art Exhibition.  The children thoroughly enjoyed showing off their fabulous art work and just having time in class with you designing their cars and playing games.  It was so lovely to meet you all and put faces to the names of the very special people that the children talk about.

Our new history topic of ‘Cars’ began with great excitement on Monday when we were visited by Mr Wordley and Mr Riglar and their vintage cars.  The children had the opportunity to sit in the cars and really explore their features – handles to wind windows up and down, no sat nav or in car entertainment systems and no seatbelts – imagine that??  (Photos to follow next week.) We then looked at the first car produced by Karl Benz and compared it to the modern cars of today.  We discussed the features and reasons for the changes.  We are all vary much looking forward to our trip next Friday to The Haynes Motor Museum. 


In Maths, we have been looking a number value and money.  The Year 1 children have been using 100 squares, number lines and part-part whole models to identify values.  Year 2 have been looking at the value of coins and notes and have explored different ways to make amounts. It was great to see so many of you join us in class on Wednesday for our Maths Mastery Session.  The children are always so proud to show you their learning and skills.  If you have any questions regarding the Maths Mastery please just ask.

We met the fabulous Mrs Armitage and Breakspear the dog in English this week.  Our new book ‘Mrs Armitage on Wheels’ has already inspired some great learning and we are looking forward to delving deeper into this book over the next two weeks when we design our own vehicle.  You can follow the link below to share the book at home. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BL_JIl9V16s

In Music this term the children will be learning how to play the ocarina.  Ocarinas are small wind instruments which originate from Central America. What this space for pictures to come as we develop this new skill.

Our PE days for this final term remain Monday (outside) and Wednesday (inside) please ensure that your child wears their PE kit to school on these days to be able to fully participate comfortably in the activities.   

RWI book bag books will continue to be sent home every Friday.  Please do read daily with your child to practice the sounds that they are learning in class and develop their reading fluency.  We really do appreciate your continued support with your child’s reading – thank you.  Do have a look at the RWI blog to find links to the phonics videos too.

The sun has finally arrived so please ensure that your child has a sun hat in school. 

Next week, I will be in class all week with Miss Smith, our amazing TA.  We look forward to seeing all the children on Monday.  Please accept my apologies for the reduced number of photos this week – slight technical issue with my iPad – hope to post them next week.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend.

Mrs Jeffery, Mrs Hughes and Ms Smith

Meerkat Class Team

Our class email is class3@westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk