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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Cars and Voting for Leopard Class!

In our DT lessons this week, we made our cars. First the children selected the type of wheels they wanted to use and secured them on their axle with washers. Then, the children added different features to their cars. On Wednesday, the children added colour using paint and our last lesson was all about the final details, e.g. license plate, windscreen wipers, door etc. Some children even added seats inside their car!

As there was a general election this week, we held our own one within school. The children we all given the option to vote for an activity to do on Friday 19th July- this was a water fight, disco music or ice lollies. The winner was revealed in assembly on Friday and it was... a water fight! However, because the children did such a great job, all three will take place :)

In maths, the children have been consolidating their addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and fraction skills.

We have written some persuasive letters in English this week. The children addressed their letters to Moulton Bike Company to make bikes better by adding objects to a bike that Mrs Armitage added to hers. The children thought of reasons as to why they should be included and I must say, the children did a fantastic job.


Miss McMillan and the Leopard Class Team :)



  • Miss McMillan will be in class all week.
  • Please can any outstanding books that need to be returned come into school. We have quite a few books not being handed back in, and it is really important so we have enough to give out to other groups of children. 
  • Please can children have their book bags and books/ reading records on them every day.
  • PE kits are to be worn on Monday and Thursday, normal school uniform and shoes to be worn other days of the week.