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Cars and Ocarinas

Welcome back to Term 6! Where has this year gone? Hopefully we will have the sun shining and can enjoy the last few weeks in Giraffe Class.

As the weather gets warmer and jumpers come off through the day the children are reminded to either hang them on their pegs or put them into their drawers. It does help if they are named. Children will not need to bring drinks bottles into school as they have access to water throughout the day, both within the class and when out at lunchtime. Sun hats are a must and sun cream needs to be applied before school.

The term has started with the children looking at the value of numbers and money. They have explored how numbers are made and finding totals using both notes and coins.

Our English has been focussing on Mrs Armitage on Wheels, it is a very funny book and they children will be writing their own adventure stories from this.

We have begun our football session for our outdoor PE, thankfully we have some great role-models to help me and ocarinas as part of our music!

The most exciting part of the week has been the opportunity to explore old cars as part of our History. We were so lucky that we were able to sit inside then and see how they have changed! Our thanks go to Mr Wordley and Mr Riglar who gave up their afternoon and bring their cars for us.

Important reminders…

  • - Mrs Millard will be in class on Friday
  • - PE kit on Wednesday and Friday
  • - Next school trip 13th Letters have been emailed to parents.