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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Cars and Construction!

There was lots happening in class and across the school this week; transition visits for Year 2, an election and a visit from Westbury Library! 

As the General Election was being held on Thursday, we had our very own election in school.  During assembly the election process and democracy was explained to the children and then the children all casted their vote to choose what they would like for a special reward playtime. They completed their ballot slips and posted them into the ballot box.  They could vote for - disco music, a water fight, or ice lollies.  The winning option was … a water fight.  More details in the newsletter.

In English, the children have written persuading letters to a bike company, suggesting modifications for bikes, to make them more fun.  Why wouldn’t you want an umbrella, horn, seat and toolbox on your bike??  Inspired by Mrs Armitage, they made some very impressive arguments and included all the features of a formal letter in their own letters. Well done Meerkats!

We have been consolidating all of our learning in maths, revisiting concepts to ensure they are all embedded in ‘our back brain’ ready to be pulled out when we need them.  The children have been independently using resources to support their understanding and to complete calculations. 

The children have really enjoyed learning to programme a sequence using Scratch Junior.  They have created multiple sprites (characters), backgrounds, ordered their sequence tiles and included a quiz question to determine the next part in the sequence.  It has been a bit tricky at times, but they have all worked together with their partners to find the solution and successfully create a sequence. 

In DT, the children began making their cars this week.  First, they thought about the features they wanted to include and drew and labelled a design.  They needed to think about how the wheels would be attached and move freely as well as what it would look like.  They then constructed their vehicles, first sanding their axles to make them smooth, then attaching wheels and washers before adding the extra details, following their design sheet.  Then on Friday it was time to paint.  Next week they will add their final touches.  Pictures to follow…   

Just a few little reminders.

  • Please ensure your child wears their PE kit to school on Monday and Wednesday.
  • I know the weather is unpredictable at the moment but please ensure your child has their sun hat every day please.
  • Book bag books to be in school every day please – we are really fortunate to have volunteers come into Meerkat Class three days a week to listen to the children read, so they need their books.

Next week, I will be in class all week with Miss Smith, our amazing TA.  We look forward to seeing all the children on Monday. 

Wishing you all a lovely weekend.

Mrs Jeffery, Mrs Hughes and Ms Smith

Meerkat Class Team

Our class email is class3@westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk